One of my friend's bands,
The Border States, who I've
discussed at some length already, are playing their first Manhattan gig, called Bright Lights, Big City. Will they survive? Or will they be chewed up by the city they so desperately revere? (Sat. 4/23 8pm The Delancey, NYC) Oh yeah, Cliff the bassist is doing something totally un-rockstar-like. He's trying to run his first triathalon. I think it's some type of Herbalife scam or something cuz he's asking for money, and judging by this
link, not a small amount of money either. I'm fairly certain the demographic of my readers consists mostly of people earning gazillions of American dollars. So I'm sure you'll have no problem coughing up a few ducats for Cliff's rather dubious enterprise. And then you should throw some cash money my way. I absolutely guarantee none of it will go towards my running a triathalon. Ah, one more thing, yet another gig at
The Delancey:
Dynasty is debuting their first CD April 27. Could someone please act as my ad rep and wring some money out of these Delancey people? Not incidentally, if Maximum Awesome ever becomes a "valued source of rock band listings" I hope you'll have the courtesy to crack my noggin with a heavy blunt object.