Friday, January 28, 2005

Art takes one in the face

Once again, Costco plies us with sweet, sweet bargains. Often relating to jumbo, brontosaurus-sized cranapple juice bottles, this time bargainosity lowers the boom on an original Picasso. It sold for $39,999.99. I'd like to petition the good people at Costco to please not hedge on that final penny. Psychologically speaking, there is no extra incentive for snagging a Picasso at under 40 grand versus 40 even. Sure, when I'm jonesing for some Cocoa Puffs, if I see that $3.00 tag, I'm walking over to the Lucky Charms. But you knock off that penny for a $2.99 spot, I'm getting cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs. Y'know?


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