Ram Turbo Danger
We're in danger. Ram turbo danger. And by that I mean we're taking a closer look at the vaunted Dreadnok Thunder Machine. God, I miss childhood.
We're in danger. Ram turbo danger. And by that I mean we're taking a closer look at the vaunted Dreadnok Thunder Machine. God, I miss childhood.
Sometimes anger can be funny and clever and amusing. Other times, it's just anger. I'm not sure which this is. Regardless, I have a Blog Checklist on common pitfalls far too many of you stumble into face first.
This week, The Unexamined Life uncovers evidence of misspent youth (plus a look at why women ought to name the world's children instead of men).
After reworking all the MaximumAwesome.com pages a couple of weeks ago to make surfing the site easier, I found myself doing it yet again (thanks for nothing Google Ads). I'm happy with the result. I think each article is easier to read now. Breathes better, that sorta thing.
Forgot to mention this earlier, Wootini put up some crackerjack stuff on Toyville recently. Check it out. Otherwise, we had too many links and not enough original content this week. That changes Monday. See you then.
I was totally going to get these bags. And then I remembered my rational aversion to getting pummeled by some hero cop. Here's the linkage. Go to "Collection 05" and then click "Guardian Angel." You'll know it when you see it.
Hide the kids in the cupboards, people. QF has raised the Adultery Alert to "turgid purple," and we've got a Best Friend index sinking faster than the Yankees.
American Idolatry 6.5.2005
Sure, sure. You think this site hasn't been updated since the 26th, eh? Wrong again, bucko. Been tinkering with boring technical crap. Plus the forum is still bolloxed, partly due to the Proboards update. Wrote a few informational type articles in the woefully named Other articles section. On the plus side, they've got funny bits scattered in there, so they're not completely boring. Plus, I put up a whole page of Buttons and Banners so that, um, you can like...whatever. Next week, we've got another Quite Frankly, and I'll get off my duff and work on what we like to call "The Funny." But enough of this nonsense. It's beer time.
Well, you almost did it. Almost. But Frank comes through again for your advice-giving pleasure, first by giving us the scoop on Sex Parties and then demoralizing all of us who at one time or another have felt the cruel, bittersweet pangs of Bartender Lust. (Keep sending us mail.)