Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Jeebus, is there anything better on TV than 24? What's that, you say? Professional giraffe wrestling on Discovery Channel? Sure, but I meant besides that.

Monday night, we finally learned how many people's lives are at stake in this season's arc. The answer? Several.

I still have several unanswered questions. What's up with Creepy Ex-husband guy? "We need to talk." You need to shut the hell up pal. The girl needs to go ID a dude she only once met for like two minutes in order to help save millions of people, and she's gotta have static from King Creep? Where's Chloe and her sour-faced wit when we need her? She'd put that guy in his place. Or at least grimace at him. Sourly.

Speaking of which, where the heck is Chloe? Gone for good? They brought back the loser with the soul patch, so maybe they'll kill him off and bring Chloe back. Sort of a two-fer.


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